Generally, landlords must ensure the property is fit for the tenant to live in and kept in good repair.  Landlords can take preventative pest control measures such as white ant/termite treatments to minimize the risk of damage to a dwelling’s structure.

 The tenant must keep the place clean and undamaged, and return it in the same condition as at the start of the tenancy, after allowing for fair wear and tear.  If pets were allowed at the property at any time during the tenancy, a flea and tick treatment must be arranged by the tenant at the end of the tenancy.

 If pests are present during a tenancy, the landlord/agent and the tenant should consider why the pests are present and whether it relates to one party/s failure to comply with their tenancy obligations.  If vermin such as cockroaches, mice or rats are caused by the tenant’s actions, the tenant would be responsible for dealing with the pests.

 Do not leave food uncovered as this will encourage mice and cockroaches into your home quickly.

 For further information about pest control on the OFT website, please click here.