Hot Water System

  • Is the power switched on?
  • Has the power box tripped the safety switch or blown a fuse?
  • Check for leaks
  • Once the above has been checked, please phone our office on 67426677.  If outside office hours, call one of our staff if possible and if this is not an option, please contact SK Plumbing on 0417 250 366 if there is an obvious leak or BK Electrical on 0410 522 967 or Troy Dries on 0412 189 730 if it appears to be an electrical issue and explain that the property is managed by Lakeford Real Estate

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Lights

  • Has the power box tripped the safety switch or blown a fuse
  • Remove blown bulb and put in a new bulb

 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________    Power

  • Do surrounding properties have electricity? (blackout)
  • Has the power box tripped the safety switch or blown a fuse?
  • If the safety switch has been tripped, reset and if it trips again you will need to unplug all appliances from the power points. Reset the switch and re-plug each of the items one at a time to identify what is causing the problem.
  • Contact Essential Energy to advise them you have no power - they will check and advise of any issues. If they are not aware of any power outages; they should organise for your meter box to be inspected for any issues they are responsible for.  Essential Energy Contact number is 13 20 80.
  • Once Essential have inspected the meter box, they will advise if they have fixed the issue or if an electrician is needed.  If an electrician is required, please phone our office on 67426677.  If outside office hours, call one of our staff if possible and if this is not an option, please contact BK Electrical on 0410 522 967 or Troy Dries on 0412 189 730 and explain what Essential Energy have said and that the property is managed by Lakeford Real Estate.

(PLEASE NOTE: If an electrician is called out to a property and it is discovered that a faulty appliance is the cause, the tenant will be responsible for the invoice)

 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________     Air Conditioner

  • Has the power box tripped the safety switch or blown a fuse?
  • Check indoor filters – lift the front cover and slide the filters out. Once out, brush them off and rinse in water then dry before putting back in.
  • Check top of indoor unit to ensure nothing is stopping air entering the unit.
  • Check around outdoor unit to ensure there is nothing behind or in front obstructing air flow.
  • Check settings on the remote i.e. Check it is on the correct mode – eg: heating or cooling.

(PLEASE NOTE: If a tradesman is called out to a property and it is discovered that the fault is due to lack of cleaning/ dirty filters by the tenant, the tenant will be responsible for the invoice)

 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________     Block Drains

  • Have you cleared the drain of any hair and soap build-up?
  • Have you tried using a plunger?
  • Have you tried clearing the drains with specific cleaning agents for drains – eg. Draino?

(PLEASE NOTE: If a plumber is called out to a property and it is discovered that a blockage was caused by the tenant, the tenant will be responsible for the invoice)

 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________     Emergency Repairs

  • A burst water service or a serious water service leak
  • A blocked or broken toilet
  • A serious roof leak
  • A gas leak
  • A dangerous electrical fault
  • Flooding or serious flood damage
  • A failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply to the premises
  • A failure or breakdown of an essential service or hot water, cooking or heating appliance
  • A fault or damage that makes the premises unsafe or unsecure
  • A fault or damage likely to injure a person, damage property or unduly inconvenience a resident of the premises
  • A serious fault in a staircase, lift or other common area or premises that unduly inconveniences a resident in gaining access to, or using the premises