Frequently Asked Questions by Tenants

Why is my rent not still 2 weeks in advance (that I paid when I move in) when I pay every week?

Before moving into a property, you are required to pay 4 weeks rent equivalent for bond (your bond is sent to the Rental Bond Board) and 2 weeks rent (one of these weeks is often paid earlier as a holding deposit and converts to the first weeks rent when your tenancy commences). Of these two weeks; one week is to pay for the first week you live at the property.  If you pay your rent weekly commencing the following week, your rent will remain one week in advance for the term of your tenancy as required in your Residential Tenancy AgreementPlease be aware that if you are going to pay rent fortnightly; an extra week will be required at the start of your tenancy to allow your rent to stay one week in advance as required.


I’ve just moved into a property.  What do I need to know?

It’s important to pay careful attention to the entry condition report. Go room to room and note anything that the property manager may have overlooked.  Pay careful attention to any nicks or dents in the floor and walls.  Note these on the entry condition report and return the report to the office in the required time frame.  You are required to leave the property in the same condition you moved into – so ask permission before hanging any picture, installing any hooks etc.  If it is noted in the condition report you may be asked to pay for repairs.


What are my responsibilities as a tenant?

As a tenant you are required to pay your rent on time.  Water invoices must be paid within 21 days of the invoice being issued and are paid the same way as rent is paid with the additional ‘water’ reference.  DO NOT PAY THIS ACCOUNT TO GUNNEDAH SHIRE COUNCIL AS THE INVOICE ISSUED TO YOU BY LAKEFORD REAL ESTATE WILL REMAIN UNPAID.

You are also required to keep the property in clean, working order and pursuant to the terms of your lease you are required to maintain the lawns and gardens (if any) at the property.  It is expected that you will maintain the lawn and gardens by mowing, whipper snipping, weeding and watering.  If you vacate the property and the lawns and gardens have not been watered or maintained; you will be responsible for the cost of a gardener to bring it back to the same condition- e.g. re-seeding, watering, weeding etc.  Lakeford Real Estate is very aware of regular dry/drought conditions and Gunnedah is fortunate to not have severe water restrictions which would inhibit the ability to water.

You are also required to adhere to the terms of your lease and be mindful of your neighbours.  It should be noted that it is illegal to run a business from a rental property.  This can be discussed further with your property manager if clarification is required.


Can I have a pet at my rental property?

When you apply for the property, make sure you have details of any pets so they can be approved as part of the approval process.  If you want to get a pet after you have moved into a property, you will need to complete a Pet Application Form which includes the Responsibility of Having Pets at Rental Properties  which is to be provided to Lakeford Real Estate. The owner will then be contacted to seek approval and the tenant will be advised of the decision.  Only outside pets are allowed at the property – no pets are to be allowed inside the premises.  Please be aware that flats are not pet friendly when there is no private yard.


How many keys will I be given when I move in to a property?

You will be given a minimum of one full set of keys for the property. If you require extra copies, it is your responsibility to copy them (at your cost) and these must be returned to the property manager at the conclusion of your tenancy.


I want my friend to move in with me – what do I do?

Any additional tenants need to be approved by the property manager and owner.  Having an unapproved tenant can be grounds for eviction. Please contact Lakeford Real Estate to speak to your property manager.


How much notice will the property manager give me before an inspection?

The property manager is required by law to give you 48 hours notice before ordinary repairs or maintenance; for urgent maintenance eg. burst water pipe, gas leak, blocked toilet etc, no notice is required.

To carry out a routine inspection (no more than 4 times a year), a minimum of 7 days notice is required and will specify a 3 hour entry period.

My lease is about to expire, how do I know if I am eligible to continue the lease or not?

The owner decides whether they would like to renew your tenancy for a further term. If you have not heard from Lakeford Real Estate and you would like to renew your lease; please contact our office.


What is the process for rental increases?

Part of the lease renewal process is to assess the current rent of the property and see whether it is in line with the current market value of similar properties in the area.  The property manager will be reporting this information to the owner and the owner will decide what they would like to offer the tenants from there.  If there is a rental increase, the Property Manager will let you know.  A rental increase will either be from the start of your new lease or with 60 days notice of the increase starting date.


I would like to renew my lease; do I need to pay for a new bond?

No, as long as you are renewing tenancies at the same property, the bond remains held with the Rental Bond Board.  If you are vacating the property, the process of bond refund will take place after your vacate date.


If my lease is about to expire, do I need to arrange for professional cleaning even though I would like to continue the lease?

Professional cleaning is up to you but is not necessary if you are renewing your lease.  Routine reports do go back to the owner and are part of the decision making process as to whether the owner offers a lease renewal.

If you are required to vacate, it is up to you if you wish to arrange professional cleaning. Lakeford Real Estate recommend professional cleaning for vacating tenants as cleaners can generate an excellent cleaning standard to return the property to entry condition and makes it easier for tenants to focus on their moving process and assists with efficient refund of bond money.


What if I need to speak to someone regarding the property other than my property manager?

The Office of Fair Trading is the best resource available to tenants. Information regarding your tenancy and contact information for the Residential Tenancy Act can be found on their website - Fair Trading NSW / housing and property


What can I do if I am in a Domestic Violence situation?

 Every person has a right to feel safe and live free from domestic violence.  If there is violence in your rented home, you should contact the Police or a domestic violence advice or support service.  Please see the following links for contact numbers to seek assistance.

 Further information and declaration forms relating to domestic violence in a rented property is available through: / domestic-violence-in-a-rented-property.



NSW Police / Gunnedah Police

For urgent assistance or to report a crime

000 / 6742 9099

1800 333 000 (Crime Stoppers)


Crisis counselling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

13 11 14

NSW Rape Crisis Centre

24-hour, 7-day service providing support and counselling for rape victims

1800 424 017

1800 RESPECT (National)

24-hour, 7-day service providing counselling for sexual assault, domestic and family violence. Online counselling also available

1800 737 732

Domestic Violence Line (NSW)

24-hour, 7-day emergency, referral and counselling line for persons experiencing domestic violence. Domestic Violence Line makes referrals to women’s refuges, family support services, counselling, the police and courts, lawyers and hospitals. It helps with transport, emergency accommodation and other relevant support

1800 656 463 or 1800 671 442 (TTY)

Child Protection Help Line

To report suspected child abuse or neglect 24 hours

132 111

Kids Help Line

Free, 24-hour counselling service for young people aged 5-25 years. Email or web counselling available

1800 551 800


A 24-hour state-wide, Homelessness service

1800 152 152

Victims Services

Victims of sexual assault and other violent crimes can make claims for financial assistance and get free counselling

1800 633 063

(02) 8688 5511

1800 019 123 (Aboriginal contact line)



Women’s Legal Service NSW

Women’s Legal Advice Line

NSW service providing free confidential legal advice and representation, resources and referrals to women experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, family law and other legal issues

(02) 8745 6988 or
1800 801 501 (rural freecall)

Indigenous Women’s Legal Contact Line (WLS NSW)

Free confidential legal information, advice and referrals for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in NSW

(02) 8745 6977 or
1800 639 784 (rural freecall)
Indigenous Women’s Legal Program webpage

Domestic Violence Legal Advice Line (WLS NSW)

NSW service providing free confidential legal advice and representation, resources and referrals to women experiencing domestic violence

(02) 8745 6999 or
1800 810 784 (rural freecall)
Domestic Violence Legal Service webpage